Experience notifications to all

Michael Hogan, Guest Column

First, a big thank you! I have been a student at Los Medanos College for over three years now and am soon to go on my fourth year. I started college in the fall of 2020 right when covid was going on. It was a crazy first year for me since all of my classes were online and I barely had any communication with any other students. It was a weird first semester to start college. Fast forward to this semester and things are finally starting to get a little better but still a lot of my classes are online and asynchronous. So there still isnʼt much communication with other students.

One area where I think that LMC could improve this problem is with its newspaper. I have not heard much of anything about the LMC newspaper. It is great to focus on certain academic success, athletic success, or the opening of a new center. This is great to show LMCʼs success. Many students donʼt even know about the LMC newspaper or if they know about it, they will probably never look at it.

What if the newspaper were sent out weekly, kind of like the Canvas weekly notifications? Then start to focus on bringing students together with hobbies and whatnot. Many students have no communication with each other and I think this would be a great way to bring students together.