Semanick is up for 10th Oscar
LMC alumnus nominated for sound mixing in ‘Hobbit’
Former Los Medanos College student Michael Semanick has received his tenth Academy Award nomination for Achievement in Sound Mixing for “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug,” and has a chance bring home his third Oscar.
The sound mixer earned his first Academy Award nomination in 2001 for “The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring,” and later won for the first time in 2003 for “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.” Semanick went on to wrap his hands around more gold in 2005 for his work in “King Kong.”
Since 1987, Semanick has taken part in over 110 films, and he said it has gone by too quickly.
“Sometimes I think ‘did I really do all that?’” Semanick said. “I don’t realize until afterwards and I say to myself, ‘Wow! That’s what I’ve been doing.’”
Before graduating from Antioch High School in 1981, Semanick found a passion for music and performing arts, and knew that was the career path he wanted to pursue since his sophomore year.
During his senior year, he took music classes in the morning at Los Medanos, then booked it to Antioch High in the afternoon and later worked an evening shift at the Burger King near Auto Center Drive in Antioch. Semanick transported to all these destinations on his bicycle.
He said the best part of his success is sharing it with the Antioch community, and hopes to inspire others that come out of the small suburban town.
“I want people to say, ‘If he can do it, I can do it too,’” Semanick added.
The Oscar winner said one of his biggest mentors has been his drama teacher Theresa Rossi at Antioch High. The school’s drama program has been defunct since 2012. Semanick feels it is a shame that something that was incredibly influential to him is no longer existent.
The 86th Academy Awards ceremony will air Sunday, March 2, in Hollywood on ABC network at 4 p.m.

Luke "The Scoop" Johnson began writing for The Experience in the fall of 2012. He acquired a passion for sports journalism in high school where he was...