Los Medanos College has just announced its Study Abroad program to London with the American Institute for Foreign Study for the fall of 2024.
English Professor LD Green will be one of the professors teaching in this program and has already opened informational meetings for students who are interested in learning more about this program. The first session was held via Zoom Feb. 20. Additional sessions will be held until early April. The Zoom links can be found through the LMC’s Study Abroad homepage.
As part of the AIFS program, 25-30 students from the Contra Costa Community College District will join 75 students from three other Northern California Community College Districts. This program will include several courses, ranging from history to journalism and there will be a curriculum focusing on the culture, life and history of Britain.
“We all are excited to bring in the cultural environment into our classrooms with the field trips that the partnering organization provides,” said Green.
Green will be teaching two English courses, both with a focus on British authors. One will be on Myth, Fantasy, Science Fiction and children’s literature, while the second will be on the themes of Shakespeare and its retellings.
Outside of the coursework, students will still be able to find great opportunities to explore the city. At the AIFS campus, they offer more than 370 clubs and sports activities with a gym and pool. The campus also has shops, pubs and cafes for students to hang out.
There are several trips planned across England and the United Kingdom, throughout the three-month-long program.
There will be a week-long break in this program, so during this time students can explore beyond London and even travel to other parts of Europe. Flights and train rides are usually priced as low as under $100.
The trip costs $8,145 with a required $450 deposit. For students who are interested in this study but are afraid they can’t afford it, the program offers sources and scholarships which Green and Harue Takanashi can help with when applying.
The Gilman’s scholarship is one of the scholarships that is open until March 7, and it offers $5,000 to the successful applicant.
“If students are interested, I’d say definitely don’t rule yourself out because of the cost,” said Green.
Green said the program offers more support beyond financial aid, where they have a staff for all kinds of student needs. Since health insurance is included in the cost, the staff offers consultations and mental health counseling.
In the summertime, there will be a pre-departure orientation to help the study abroad students get ready to leave.
When in London, there will be another orientation meeting with experienced AIFS staff that will cover everything to inform students, ranging from mental health workshops to travel safety. A private coach and professional guide will lead a sightseeing tour of London for half a day for the students.
“I truly believe that traveling is a mind-expanding experience that enriches the spirit,” said Green.
The priority deadline for applying for the fall 2024 semester is April 19 and the final deadline is set for June 5.