Mentors help students transfer to Berkeley

Azi Carter, [email protected]

LMC’s Transfer and Career Services announced recently that Starting Point Mentorship Program (SPMP) is looking for students interested in transferring to U.C. Berkeley. The program connects future prospective Cal students with current Cal students with similar backgrounds or majors to provide information to hopefuls to make the navigation process a bit easier.

The program is specifically designed to encourage California Community College students from backgrounds that are underserved and/or “non-traditional” in higher education — re-entry students, student parents, veteran students, low income, first generation college students, underrepresented students, disabled students, etc. — and encourages all students to explore their academic potential and prepare for transfer to U.C. Berkeley.

Mentoring is conducted through email, phone calls, campus visits, workshops and the use of online technologies.

The mentors offer guidance, motivation, and access to admissions, campus and community resources. The 2017 requirements for joining the mentorship program are that you will be applying to U.C. Berkeley by Nov. 30, that you have a minimum GPA of 3.20, that you complete a mentee questionnaire and sign a mentee agreement.

To begin the process, apply at http:/ The deadline for applications is Wednesday, Sept. 13, or when the number of applicants reaches capacity.

The program is designed to match students with others who share common goals. Having someone to guide you through the process helps eliminate some of the stress associated with the transition.

According to Gisela Solis, a Student Ambassador in the Transfer and Career Services department at LMC and a Biological Sciences major, participated in the mentorship program last spring and will be transferring spring 2018.

“Mentors are resourceful and have already figured out the maze so they can dedicate themselves to see that you too become successful,” Solis said. “My mentor answered many of the questions that once overwhelmed me.”

Although Solis’s mentor did not share her same major, Solis liked his perspective of being better able to advise and guide her from outside her career path.

“Email was the easiest for me, with such a busy schedule,” Solis said. “I could always anticipate a prompt reply and trusted the information because of the commitment and bond we formed early on.”

Solis guarantees that if she were to email her mentor today, he would reply would reply within a day, even though her participation in the program has ended.

“Our connection is for a lifetime, the friends I’ve made on the academic journey are friends for life,” she said. “I too want to be a part of that community that gives back to other students.”

School administrators match students and the program runs between 3 and 4 months, long enough to get the students acclimated to the application process, community and campus resources.

Feeling confident and ready for graduation, Solis is an encouragement to other students coming to the Career and Transfer Desk because of her first-hand experiences. She carries a strong message as she answers students’ questions and is happy to share with those seeking career and transfer information.

Help is available, but time is of the essence to get your hook-up. Apply by Sept. 13.