“Look Back” is an animated movie that was recently released in the U.S. Tatsuki Fujimoto, creator of the famous manga “Chainsaw Man,” took true stories from his life as inspiration for the new film. In only a little under an hour, Fujimoto and Director Kiyotaka Oshiyama encapsulate the beauty of artistry.
“Look Back” takes the viewer on the journey of a young artist, Ayumu Fujino, voiced by Yuumi Kawai. Fujino falls in love with drawing, someday hoping to become a famous mangaka.
In her journey, she meets another student, Kyomoto, voiced by Mizuki Yoshida, who at first, Fujino heavily compared herself to. After finally meeting, they bond over their shared love of the arts.
Yuumi Kawai and Mizuki Yoshida both gave incredible performances that truly illustrated to the viewers that they were Fujino and Kyomoto. Kawai and Yoshida added depth to the two characters, navigating the nuance of each emotional scene in a way that truly illustrated to the audience who the characters are.
Haruka Nakamura was called on for his expert composing skills, and vast knowledge of multiple instruments. Each song in the film complemented the next, as Nakamura composed emotional piano instrumentals that fit each scene like a snug winter glove. The music paired perfectly with the incredibly detailed backgrounds, and imagery within the movie.
Oshiyama wanted to make the film adaptation of “Look Back” an ode to artists. His decision to keep in some of the sketches the illustrators drew in the animating process, created an incredibly in-depth scene in each frame, and added dynamism.
Each sketch was included with intent and complemented the movie’s theme of the arts and the individuality of artists. This stylistic choice also highlights Fujimoto’s craft, detailing the time and effort it takes to create such strong evocative scenes within his manga.