With the presidential election around the corner, and even with local elections just passing. The two-party system has become clear, and in my opinion, has become the downfall of our political system.
Over the years we’ve seen this increase of democrats vs republicans, or to some “liberals vs conservatives.” Especially since the Biden vs Trump race in 2020.
It becomes clear that there are two very different and separate sides in our system. Something that has led to a general disregard for what is important and what needs to be done in our country. Instead of focusing on what’s going to benefit us all as a country, it has become separated into “Oh well the Liberals want this,” and “Oh the Conservatives are advocating for that.”
It has become impossible to hold an opinion without being cast to either red or blue. No one can be in the in-between because of this push to pick a side and stay on it without having any opinions from the differing side.
This separation of the people is why nothing will get done in our country, and it’s the reason why we’ve become a joke amongst other nations. Our presidential elections have turned into a borderline reality TV show, where we do nothing but laugh and point fingers at the differing sides.
It began to make voting unenjoyable for me, I’m forced to pick from two old men who are either treating their position as something to fuel their ego or as a face for a party that knows they’re being laughed at. It’s pathetic.
No one takes voting seriously anymore, instead just picking the side they hate the least, without wanting to research what the opposite side is advocating for or hopes to propose. If we all took a second to research the parties and the people running them, we would begin to see some of our views being expressed on the opposite sides. Instead, we’re scared to look at a different side for fear of being viewed as a “liberal” or “conservative.”
I think a lot of this can be blamed on social media, especially since 2020 when we saw an influx of young people becoming more interested in politics. With this influx came a sort of trend in both parties to spew hate and build a weird cancellation of both sides depending on which person they choose to support.
Politicians are beginning to be looked up to like celebrities or even gods. Both sides will cherry-pick their positive and negative traits and base the entirety of their support around that. Without any regard for what’s going to benefit us, people have grown to believe that just because their choice is in power then everything will be magically better, but that’s not how it works.
Having one party run the entirety of the Executive Branch is the reason why absolutely nothing gets done in our country. If we’re going to have two primary parties in our country then we need to have both primary parties in the branch. If the president is a Democrat then the vice-president needs to be Republican, and vice-versa. Having those two opposing viewpoints is the only way we’ll get both sides to be able to express their views and reach a 50/50 agreement. Instead of having one party propose bills, then the other rejecting them, and nothing gets done.
We need to see a change in our country because it’s become obvious nothing is going to change without a push.
Stop picking one side, and stop being scared to see the other side, it’s the only way anything will change.