More information needed for majors on campus

Dear Editor:


I will begin by voicing my gratitude towards the Los Medanos College newspaper. It continues to inform us and bring us information that is important on our campus, but there is one issue at hand that I do recognize —that being — more information and resources on undergraduate majors.

Many of us come to Los Medanos to receive a better education but many of us are not sure which path we can or should take. Lets use me for example: I came to Los Medanos three years ago as a biology major — just a decision based on interests, although two years into my major and rigorous prep classes, I learned that I enjoyed the communication and business field much more. How could I have prevented such a loss of time?

In my opinion, more resources and information on majors we could be interested in. Everyone has a major in mind but if we could be better informed or encouraged through events or tests to see what we actually are interested in will be a game-changer and can even help guide us into majors we really like.

I know our college newspaper can help with that, possibly, by creating events that can show us all the majors offered, information on those majors and what campuses are to choose from as well as more counselors that can guide us towards schools that specify in that major.

Many of us read our college newspaper and if we could get more content of majors or events on our campus more often it will make a big difference to help guide our future.


Thank you

Edward Villa