New interim chancellor appointed

Interim Chancellor Huff sent out an email to district staff March 31 in response to Contra Costa County extending the shelter-in-place order amid the COVID-19 virus.
February 6, 2020
The Contra Costa Community College District has appointed an Interim Chancellor to the district until further notice.
After CCCCD Chancellor Fred Wood retired early during the Fall 2019 semester, the district board members began to search for an individual to fill in Wood’s position.
Eugene Huff, Executive Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services, was appointed as Interim Chancellor of the district January 23, 2020. His contract as IC has an end date of December 31, 2020, or until a permanent chancellor is selected for the District.
“The Governing Board is excited and grateful that Gene has agreed to serve as our Interim Chancellor,” said Board President Rebecca Barrett. “His many years of steady administrative leadership in the District has prepared him for this opportunity, and we are confident the District will be in good hands until a permanent chancellor is on board.”
Huff has served the CCCC District for 20 years now, beginning his career in the Human Resources Department in 2001.
Prior to his daughter’s senior year of high school, Huff had not considered a career in a community college district. As his daughter began to apply to colleges Huff recognized the importance and value of community colleges and decided to make a career change.
As the current IC Huff is in charge of every day operations within the District office while the permanent hiring process is underway.
“My job is to address any issues that come up on a day-to-day basis,” said Huff. “The Interim Chancellor position requires all the same things as the regular chancellor, from meetings to accreditation this semester and so on.”
While Huff is excited to take on the challenges of Interim Chancellor, he intends on returning to his position as Executive Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services after a permanent Chancellor is hired.
“I do not intend to apply for the Chancellor position,” said Huff. “In fact, it is part of the Interim contract that I will return to my previous position after a new Chancellor is hired.”
According to the CCCC District Press Release of January 24, 2019, the District “Continues its national search for a permanent chancellor and is assisted by the Collaborative Brain Trust (CBT) and Dr. Brice Harris, a longtime California community college educator and Chancellor Emeritus of the California Community Colleges.”
It is predicted that a new permanent Chancellor will be hired in April of 2020, if the the national hiring process is successful.
“I’m confident that we’re going to find someone for the position. We’re a big district, and very well represented and structured.” said Huff.
The CCCC District is looking for student input regarding changes they would like made on the Los Medanos College campus, as well as what they are looking for in a new Chancellor.
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