There’s a sense of irony with self-care being a key essential to a healthy mentality and yet it’s a great struggle for someone to be able to stay consistent on it. The premise of a self-care routine is necessary to the human condition, however, the nuisance of its virtue isn’t addressed as much as it could be.
The term, self-care, serves the purpose of motivating people and improving their day-to-day life. The common reasons why they try it are usually either stress, depression, or a physical health risk.
If people aren’t sure what is considered self-care, it can range from habits such as having a skincare routine or workout routine to splurging on a spa day or a nice restaurant they always wanted to try.
According to a Business Wire article, a research study found that 75% of Americans believed their self-care activities provided a stress reliever and 71% saw an increase in happiness.
Self-care activities definitely bring benefits and positive outcomes to a person’s life, but what happens when they’re not able to make it a priority for them?
Unfortunately, in order to stay consistent with these self-care habits, an investment is most likely necessary. While there are affordable options for this, others can still have difficulty with having a budget, especially if they’re having financial issues.
Another issue preventing a person from developing their self-care habits is that they’re a parent.
According to the same research study from the Business Wire, only 32% of parents can find the balance to invest in self-care and 39% feel guilty about taking the time for themselves.
Self-care not only needs to have a consistent routine but also needs to be set as a top priority in order for someone to experience a beneficial improvement in their life.
Timing seems to be a key factor for keeping someone from having a self-care routine. But if they are able to plan and schedule around to spare some time for themself, going so far to actually commit to it, that already shows determination and a strong mentality.