Expand access to women classes
May 16, 2023
I am concerned about the repression of women in our college community. LMC is an amazing campus that provides opportunities for all types of individuals. There are benefits of having different learning communities such as Puente and Honors on a campus full of individuals who are working toward completing their education. But I noticed one slight problem: the little representation of women.
As I was picking my classes for next fall, I was scrolling through the different types of history courses available. I came across History-056, History American Women to 1887, and History-057, History American Women since 1887. I was extremely interested in the classes; however, when I clicked on the class times for both classes, I was extremely disappointed. There was only one class available in total out of both classes.
History-056 only had one option to take the class in the fall of 2023 and there were no options to take History-057. Whereas for a history class such as History-029, U.S. History Until 1865, there were multiple options to take the class in the fall, some being in person and some being completely online so that it can be flexible with students’ schedules. This leads me to my problem: there is not enough representation of women in the curriculum.
It frustrated me in high school to not learn about the brave women in our country, and only learn about what men have done. I was honestly looking forward to learning about the monumental women and what they have done for the United States once I hit college, where I thought there would be more of an opportunity to learn about them. But I am not seeing it, due to the very concerning low number of classes there are available for these women.
I believe there should be a massive increase in the availability of this class because women had to work so hard to earn men’s respect and change our society for the better. That alone deserves to be talked about!
Therefore, the school should expand the opportunity to take such educational classes like History-057 and History-056, that way everyone and anyone can take these classes and learn about the monumental women of our country’s history.