Upon reading “Beyond the social issue”, I found myself questioning and disagreeing with many points made in the article, one in particular being the equating of homosexuality to the “natural impulse” of rapists.
First let me say this: Rape is not normal. It is not a natural impulse caused by a genetic predisposition.
It is a monstrous act with multifactorial motives that are entirely individual to the perpetrator.
Typically, it’s fuelled by anger or the desire for power which is not at all the same as romantic or sexual attraction between two consenting individuals.
I fail to see how the legalization of same-sex marriage would pose a threat or have any lasting effects equivalent to that of sexual assault (Acute Stress Disorder, PTSD, anxiety, depression, etc.). I find difficulty understanding how homosexuality is a moral issue that should be placed on the same field as rape, pedophilia, bestiality or children hitting each other on the playground. The fact is one of these is not like the other. Homosexuality is not the same as violence or violent acts, and I am appalled and offended that you would categorize it as such.
Furthermore, how is it that a natural behavior found in 1,500 species is a moral issue?
I ask because I was taught that morality is developed by the prefrontal cortex, not ancient religious texts sprinkled with hybrid words from the late 19th century. I understand you’re using The Bible as your reference, but where in The Bible is homosexuality condemned? It is my understanding that it is not, simply because “homosexual” (Greek ‘homo-’, Latin ‘sexual’) did not exist as a word before 1869 when it was penned in a German pamphlet by Karl-Maria Kertbeny.
It was not seen in English until 1892 in the English translation of Krafft-Ebing’s “Psychopathia Sexualis”, and it was not used in an English bible until 1958.
In fact, if The Bible is going to be used as a reference for homosexual relationships, let us evaluate the relationships of David and Jonathan, Ruth and Naomi and the Centurion and his servant.
One can argue that these are homosexual relationships between many important biblical figures that are commonly used in sermons today.
However, if the case for or against same-sex marriage is to be made in a contemporary society, it will have to be made on evidence rather than religious texts.
Opposition to love between two people regardless of sexual or gender identity provides encouragement for hate.
This is not a case of whether or not you can support the marriage of same-sex partners; it’s whether or not you will choose to.
— Anna Lujano