Police Report adds more details to controversial situation

Some staff feel unsafe concerning the alleged employee

Michael Benedian

LMC held a college assembly back on Oct. 31 addressing the situation involving the employees

Juan Cebreiros, Staff Writer

Los Medanos College custodial workers filed a complaint against their custodial manager after he allegedly issued a threat, leaving some feeling unsafe to even go into work. 

In the complaint filed with the Contra Costa Community College District Police Department, custodial manager Frank Ichigaya is alleged to have issued a death threat in a conversation with a worker during a private meeting in the manager’s office. 

The Los Medanos College Experience requested a copy of the Criminal Case Report, dated June 23, 2022, following social media posts in October about a manager’s alleged history of using insensitive remarks about “Black people.” The college came under fire on social media, prompting a rare response from LMC President Bob Kratochvil in an email on Oct. 23 to the college community. 

“We remain deeply committed to the critical work of rooting out systemic racism, inequality, and anti-Blackness at LMC,” Kratochvil wrote. “We strive to provide an equitable learning and working environment for all students and employees, and to strengthen a culture of equity, diversity, inclusion, and racial justice.”

According to the June 23 police report, campus police received a call concerning a verbal disturbance between a worker and a manager in the manager’s office. The worker and two of his colleagues met officers outside of the Police Services building on the north side of the campus to explain their perspective about the events that transpired.

Ichigaya allegedly called custodian Milo Mathis into his office June 22 to discuss his return to work after he had missed an extended period of time due to illness. 

Mathis told police that Ichigaya said he was not happy with the quality of work from Mathis’ team, which includes Quinn Glenn and Sydney Morales. Mathis reported Ichigaya also said he did not like “being questioned” by Glenn in front of other employees in meetings.” During the conversation Mathis also alleges Ichigaya said, “If I see them around my house, I will shoot them dead.” It is unclear who Ichigaya’s threat was meant for when he referred to “them” but Mathis told police he understood Ichigaya’s remarks to be about his team.

This and other alleged instances of insensitive language prompted Mathis’ co-worker Glenn to urge Mathis to report Ichigaya to police

Mathis also told police Ichigaya had previously made racial comments such as “Blacks use a lot of coco butter.”

Glenn, who was not called in for the meeting with Ichigaya, told police he feared for his safety after hearing Mathis’ report of what transpired. According to the police report, Glenn said he had previously seen video of Ichigaya shooting firearms. That knowledge, and a lack of police presence on campus after midnight when the crew comes in to work, led to his concern he reported.

Glenn alleged Ichigaya had also made racial remarks toward him in the past, such as saying his attire is similar to the way a “Thug” dressed.

Police reported Ichigaya denied the claims about him that he owned firearms and that he would shoot anyone dead. He also told police that Mathis was displeased that his employment probation was extended three more months “due to his time off work” after being ill.

The police report notes that reporting officer Patrick Clark, “contacted the Pleasant Hill Police Department and had them check for any registered firearms in Ichigaya’s name.” There were none found.

According to the police report, the case was turned over to the Contra Costa County District Attorney’s office. A spokesperson for the DA’s office said on Dec. 2 that they declined to bring charges, “due to lack of sufficient evidence” needed to prosecute the “punishment for threats” violation.

Kratochvil reaffirmed Los Medanos College is a safe place for students and staff. He also said the workers remain on administrative leave and have not returned to campus for work since the incident, LMC Vice President Carlos Montoya said they have been on leave since June of this year. He also confirmed the investigation is still going on but said as of Dec. 1 there has been no resolution to the situation. 

Updated to provide new information from the District Attorney’s office.