Pride Alliance holds successful mixer

The event provided food, fun, and laughs

Michael Benedian

students participate in the quick icebreaker

Michael Benedian, Editor-in-Chief

Los Medanos College’s Pride Alliance club came together Aug. 30 and hosted a mixer event full of food, games, and laughs. It was a great turnout with many students coming in with their friends. Although the free food and snacks may have drawn them in, it was ultimately the friendly environment provided by Pride Alliance that enticed students to stay.

Academic Manager Sabrina Kwist worked the food table, handing out tacos to the hungry students. There was even a vegan option for those who don’t eat meat, and one LMC student got visibly excited when she heard about it. Little options like that go to show how inclusive Pride Alliance is.

“It’s wonderful to see so many new faces this semester,” said Incoming President for Pride Alliance Chimera Mohammadi.

One of the new faces that came was LMC student Teylin Evans MCQ. It was their first time coming to Pride Alliance and they were both excited and nervous to be there, saying that they’re not good at talking with people in general but are happy to find a place where they belong.

It wasn’t just food that was provided also, LGBTQ resource books were brought up to the Unity Center by the LMC Library. LMC librarian Kimberly Wentworth encouraged students who were attending to rent out these books during library hours Monday through Thursday 8 a.m.–5:30 p.m..

“We used to have more hours but due to the pandemic they were cut,” said Wentworth. “We actually have been a lot busier with more students coming [to campus]. It’s a nice problem to have.”

LMCAS President Jeffrey Bui was present throughout the entire event, running around behind the scenes and making sure things run smoothly. While students were signing in and grabbing food at the table, Bui was working tirelessly to make sure everyone was comfortable inside the Unity Center. When it came time to officially kick off the mixer, Bui’s heartfelt introduction helped new students become familiar with him and the community that he and his peers founded. 

“As a queer student, it’s very difficult to find community and to find a space where you can feel welcome and open,” said Bui. “So that’s one of our objectives, that we’re trying to build a more open, friendly, and chill environment when you come to LMC.”

One of the activities students participated in were quick introductions, where they would partner up with someone and introduce themselves in two minutes before switching off. LMC students Natalie Brooks and Jayden Ervin hit it off with their introductions. Ervin’s reason for coming to the mixer was wanting to make new friends similar to Brooks.

After the introductions were finished, the mixer finished off with a trivia game, where students can sign in with their phones and play. Some students aimed to be the sole winner, and others were teaming up to take first place together. Even with a semi-competitive environment, students were having laughs and making new connections.

If you missed the mixer event, Mohammadi wants you to not worry. Pride Alliance plans on creating more events like this one. They also want students to know that there’s a weekly meeting from 2–3 p.m. every Tuesday, and students are welcome to join in. If you ever want to hang out in a chill environment and make new friends, Pride Alliance is the club that can make that happen.