Hispanic Heritage Month at LMC
Student Life celebrates with “Gentefied” event.
Sabrina Kwist speaks to a group of students at the film screening.
October 7, 2021
Culture is a beautiful thing that can be shared with others in positive ways. During this time of Hispanic Heritage month, which runs Sept. 15 through Oct. 15, Student Life along with Equity and Inclusion, have begun to celebrate.
Among the first of the events was a film screening of the Netflix show “Gentefied” Sept. 22. The series follows a financially struggling Los Angeles family juggling work and family all at once. The first episode of the series focused on the struggles many minority families face in the L.A. area.
The word “gentefied” comes from the Spanish word “gente,” which means people and “gentrified,” which is when people with power and money buy buildings and land to kick out the residents and construct expensive housing to drive out middle-class residents or those in the area living in poverty.
Though the show touched on controversial topics such as race, sexual orientation and financial status, Director of Equity and Inclusion Sabrina Kwist led the discussion and made it a safe place for conversations.
The purpose of the event, according to Student Life Director Teresea Archaga, was to help celebrate the diversity of Hispanic Heritage Month and engage attendants in important conversations following the episode.
“There were actually more students than anticipated and it was a wonderful thing to happen,” she said. “We moved some of the students into the room next door and hosted two separate events at the same time.”
Archaga, who is half Puerto Rican, felt a personal impact from the Netflix show. She said she didn’t feel much encouragement to embrace her heritage growing up, but now as an adult feels proud to be Hispanic.
“I relate very well with the character Chris Morales, played by Carlos Santos. I was born and raised in Antioch— I learned Spanish in college. I married into a monolingual Spanish-speaking family from Honduras,” she said.
Archaga encourages students to watch the series to broaden their perspective on life and get a wider worldview.
The next “Gentefied” event is yet to be announced, but the show is available on Netflix if you are interested in watching it. Student Life will host more events soon, so please visit the Student Life page for details.