Mustang Day runs through campus
Student Life coordinator Demetria Lawrence treats student Eddie Coats during Mustang Day.
A stampede came through Los Medanos College’s Brentwood Center on Mustang Day, Jan. 22. Tables lined the hall where representatives from different programs offered at LMC spoke to interested students. Although it seemed the Pittsburg campus had a greater turnout, the representatives still felt many students benefited from Mustang Day.
“Brentwood has its own special space here. There’s only one way in and one way out. It’s a great time to get more information,” stated Ade Origunwa, Transfer Programs and Services Coordinator.
The first table presented lots of useful information about students looking to transfer to 4-year institutions. A bright yellow flyer gave the times and dates of different colleges that offer appointments for students interested in meeting a college rep. Origunwa also said that LMC offers tour dates as well as coordinated pick-ups for students who require transportation.
For more information on transferring, go to the Transfer Center in room CC4-435 or online at
The next table was dedicated to information on financial aid. One form that was provided allows eligible students to apply for the Board of Governors (BOG) Fee Waiver. The waiver lowers the prices of classes based on how many units students are enrolled in, according to Patriz Arzate, LMC Financial Aid Assistant.
For more information on financial aid visit the new Student Services Center, Room SS3-309.
A third table provided information about CalWORKs and Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS) is a program designed to help those who come from lower-income and underrepresented backgrounds by “promoting enrollment, retention, persistence and success.”
Catherine Fonseca, CalWORKs program representative, said that the program “assists students with books, priority registration and even parking passes.”
Furthermore, CalWORKs helps by giving students “marketable skills to be more competitive in the work field,” she said.
Fonseca added that students can make appointments at the Brentwood Center with her or other CalWORKs employees to find out if they qualify.
The last table was set up for a California State University East Bay representative. Annie Nogales Chandler, M.S., Assistant Director of Pre-Admission and Recruitment, said students were able to find out what majors CSUEB offers and what the admission requirements are.
“The students here are really fun and smart,” said Chandler.
Similar to the CalWORKs program, students can make appointments at the Brentwood Center with a representative from CSUEB that will work with students one-on-one to help with their academic success.
For any more questions or concerns about CSUEB, visit their website
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