Allies teaches equality

Do you have questions about sexuality? Whether you are heterosexual, gay, straight or bisexual, Los Medanos Colleges Allies Club is the place to find answers. 

Although LMC has had a club of this type in the past. Demetria Lawrence, Student Life Coordinator, said “It has been inactive for years.” Whether the charter simply ran out or interest died down is not clear.

But society has come a long way and Allies hopes to bridge the gap.

Club President Gary Walker and Jim Mitchell, Faculty Advisor for the Allies Club, set up a booth on LMC’s Club Day to see if students were interested in a club about sexuality.

Mitchell said they received great response and on February 28 they met their deadline for paperwork and were approved.

“We received approximately 60 emails,” said Walker.

“Anyone can join,” Walker said. “We are mainly here to show support for the LGBQT community on campus,” stated Walker. “We hope to educate students as well.”

The club’s biggest hopes are to reach out to high school Gay-Straight Alliance programs and show them they are not alone.

Mitchell also posted PSA notices around campus as well as at the Brentwood Center for the Gay Youth Talk line to show support for the confidential hotline. For the troubled youth of today, sexuality should be the least of their worries. Anyone can call 1-800-246-PRIDE when needed and each call is confidential.

Now fully chartered, Mitchell would like to take club members on a field trip to the Gay Pride Parade the last Sunday in June. “I’m not sure which one we will go to yet, San Francisco or Sacramento.”

Information on the Allies Club can be found on the LMC site at You can also like them on Facebook at You can contact Gary Walker at [email protected] for other inquiries.