Paving career paths
Fair informs students
Approximately 60 students from the LMC Transfer Academy set up shop in the indoor quad on last Tuesday to put on their first Major Career Fair.
The fair was the product of a month-long research project conducted by the ACS-10 class. The ACS, Academic Career Success classes are part of the Transfer Academy at LMC.
The event, held in the mid-morning, was aimed towards helping students to realize what would need to be done to succeed in a chosen career.
Co-instructors Rosa Armendariz and Dr. Michael Cross split the students into groups depending on the career interests of the students. Groups included, but weren’t limited to: public health, graphic design, music therapy, neo-natal nursing and art majors.
Each student or group of students was tasked with researching their chosen field and to create a poster. Along with the poster, they were to give out fliers or brochures detailing what they’re lives would be like were they to be ideally employed.
Items on the flier that help to illustrate the particulars of the job include: salary, what level of education is needed, different types of levels in the job, links to more resources online and what colleges are offering these tracks to a sought of career.
Also on the fliers was a short description of their career.
Student Danielle Brophy wishes to be involved in the graphic design field in the near futures. Dressed sharply, she coolly and confidently explained the ins-and-outs of the career she hopes to have, citing that the field is expected to grow 10-20% in the near future.
Dr. Cross, who also teaches English at LMC, said that the project was a “boots-to-the-ground,” ground level type exercise that means to both illuminate the job needs and to inspire the students and rally their excitement.
More importantly, Dr. Cross explained that on a bigger level, the instructors wanted to bring the project to the campus as a whole, and not to keep it in-house.
Enter the Fair, the large amount of students and their boards filled the quad, while their harmonious chatter filled the halls.
Overall, the event turned out to be a success as there are plans to repeat the process every fall. Spring semester would also have its own fair, but the class sizes are too small, according to Armendariz.
Armendariz is hopeful that one outcome of this project is that students can learn to plan in the long term, save time and allow themselves to excel with ease.
Hi! My name is Joseph Delano. I am 27-years-old, hailing all the way from Bethel Island. I have been at Los Medanos College for 8 years… for you math...