Experience guide to Proposition 1: Constitutional right to reproductive freedom

Paige Coleridge, Staff Writer

Editor’s note: With the upcoming Midterm Election on Nov. 8, there are a handful of propositions for California voters to consider. Despite the brief explanations on the ballot, they can still be confusing for people who have no idea what they are or what will be changed if they vote yes or no. These are important decisions that will affect many Californians. This is the first of seven summaries that will give voters more information on what the proposition is and what are the pros and cons that come with them.

In light of the overturning of Roe v Wade that was passed in June, California has created a proposition in order to protect the right to an abortion which is proposition 1. According to the Legislation Analyst Office, Proposition 1 changes the California Constitution to say that the state cannot deny or interfere with a person’s reproductive freedom and that people have the fundamental right to choose. Due to recent laws passed by the U.S supreme court, restrictions have been placed on the rights to an abortion across the states.

If voted ‘yes’ on proposition 1, it will be in favor to change the California Constitution to ensure the protection of the right to have an abortion and as well as to refuse an abortion. If voted ‘no’ then the California Constitution would not be changed to expressly include existing rights to reproductive freedom. These rights, however, would continue to exist under other state law. The Legislation Analyst Office also predicts no direct fiscal effect because the right to an abortion is already existing in California. 

Section 1.1 is added in Article I and reads, “The state shall not deny or interfere with an individual’s reproductive freedom in their most intimate decisions, which includes their fundamental right to choose to have an abortion and their fundamental right to choose or refuse contraceptives.”

 This section is intended to further the constitutional right to privacy guaranteed by Section 1 and the constitutional right to not be denied equal protection guaranteed by Section 7. Nothing herein narrows or limits the right to privacy or equal protection. 

A brief statement from Erika Messenger Administrative Assistant says  “I would vote yes protect the basic human rights of women in California.”

Down below are links to the other six proposition guides which will help you get an understanding:

Proposition 26: Sports betting at tribal casinos

Proposition 27: Allow online sports betting

Proposition 28: Arts & music education funding

Proposition 29: Impose rules on dialysis clinics

Proposition 30: Tax millionaires for EV and wildfire funding

Proposition 31: Uphold flavored tobacco ban