Tips for a rockin year

Tamara Seward,

Welcome Back LMC Mustangs! Fall semester has begun and hopefully everyone is ready to “get-err-done.” OK, I admit it that sounded so much better in my head and like Larry the Cable Guy, let me adjust my writing cap. There, that should be better.
Also a big “HELLO” to the new foals entering LMC for the first time this year. We are a small but growing community college. I use the pronoun, “we” because, in my experience, we become a family as we walk the campus of LMC.

In fact, at any given time you might run into President Bob Kratochvil walking around.

I had so many lofty ideas for my first return column in the Experience. As I sat down to write this column all my lofty ideas of what I wanted to write flew out the window along with the ever-present Pittsburg wind. It’s hard to know what to say in these troubled times, although many of the ideas for my blog came to mind.

I decided upon giving out tips and information in hopes of helping new, as well as returning students to succeed this semester as well as in other areas of life.

One of the biggest things I have noticed over the many moons of my life there will always be someone who will criticize your actions even when they do the same exact things. That is OK! Just look them in the eye, say, “Opinion’s vary,” turn and walk away. Don’t stick around and let them bring you down. You know yourself better than others. When they talk about others like that it speaks volumes about them as a person.

If at first you don’t understand a subject, do not hesitate to ask questions! Everyone learns differently and at a different pace. Remember there is a Math lab on both the Pittsburg and Brentwood campuses with professors standing by to help you. If you need help with reading and writing assignments try the Center for Academic Support right smack dab in the center of the core building. They have professors as well as tutors on hand to help. Go in and check it out when you have time.

In my experience most professors will work with you in any situation. For example, on the first day of spring break in April I had a mild heart attack, two days later my step dad had a stroke. When the semester resumed, I had moved home to help my folks, all in one week. However I kept in touch with my professors and made sure to make up what I missed; so all four of my teachers were very understanding and helpful. But I took off summer semester to concentrate on my health and family.

 And when you’re in tough situations, there are resources on campus available to everyone. LMC even opened a Veteran’s Center for vets who come to LMC to further their education and acclimate to society. This center has computers and quiet areas if needed. A food pantry for those who need it was also created last spring and of course, counseling is available in the students’ center.

Each counselor I have talked to has been helpful in helping me reach my goals. I wish I had talked to one of them before I registered for classes so I’d be on the right path, not scattered as I am now. So I strongly suggest each student meet with a counselor for an hour to make sure you are on the right track for your academic career more than once a semester is recommended. If you have other concerns they will help with that as well. Pace yourself so you don’t burn out.

Even the LMC library has textbooks on reserve you can borrow if you forgot your books. However you only get three hours and cannot leave the library. The Brentwood Campus has them too. Just make sure to ask your teacher if they have them reserved. Some will even let you use an earlier edition if needed.

Remember to ask, tell and respond to the positives of campus life. LMC is widely diverse in their students, faculty, staff, and curriculum. It’s no wonder our growing campus ranked sixth in the nation.