Seniors come to campus
LMC hosts event for incoming high schoolers.
Booths in the Quad at LMC get ready for incoming high schoolers.
May 3, 2022
Los Medanos College hosted the first of two Senior Saturdays April 23 to give incoming high schoolers a preview of the campus and the different opportunities it offers. Booths were set up throughout the outdoor quad, and for a walking tour of the school.
“This is one of the best campuses I’ve been to,” said Honors Program booth attendant Lorenzo Navales.
LMC is a public community college with two locations: the main campus in Pittsburg, and a new satellite center in Brentwood. Established in 1974, it was ranked No. 6 in the Best Community Colleges by College Choice in their list of “50 Best Community Colleges for 2016-2017.”
“I went past while on E Leland Road and said to myself ‘might as well go here,’” said incoming high schooler Kaze Archer when asked about why he chose to attend LMC.
Nine booths highlighted key opportunities for incoming students and included Student Life, Umoja, Financial Aid, Honors Program, EOPS/Care, Games Club, English as a Second Language, Business Services and MESA. Representatives at each of the booths addressed student questions and promoted their service or activity.
Student Life booth attendant Gabriel Perez Cano said that “LMC provides a marketplace where students, staff, and/or classified professionals could go in and get necessary groceries” to be able to be fully nourished and healthy.
Cano added that incoming seniors should take advantage of the campus clubs because extracurricular activities can aid them in their educational success. He advised that attending LMC shouldn’t just be about taking class and doing homework, it should be about getting a good experience and having fun.
Incoming high schooler Eduardo Montido said that attending LMC will give him “more time to think about transferring” to a university. Montido said that the college was “close to home” which played a significant part in his overall college decision, choosing to continue his academic career as a computer science major, due to his pre-existing technological skills.
Navales said LMC is the perfect place for non-deciders because it reduces stress on committing to a four-year university immediately. Students can attend LMC for two years and have more time to decide on their ideal college for transfer.