Entrepreneurship is now at it’s all time high among the younger generations. With today’s access to technology, almost anyone can become his or her own boss.
Nitlon Serva realized this and decided to create Los Medanos College’s first business club on campus.
“The Business Department is excited to have this club on campus. It is a great way to get students connected both to the campus and our community,” said Business Instructor Tawny Beal.
The purpose of the club is to help gather like-minded people that are passionate about business and it’s impact on communities. It is a great opportunity for risk takers to network and build connections that could help in the future.
“My inspiration for creating the business club was so that we can have a group that networks and discusses business ideas,” said Serva.
During the meetings, students discuss the foundation of small startups, their operations and how these startups later expand into large companies.
“We discuss how we can fundraise and participate in school activities,” Serva explained. “The majority of our discussion is learning the foundations of a company and finding out information so that we can share to one another because self-education is important too.”
While these meetings are heavily surrounded business and its ideas, Serva included that he encourages anyone interested in the club to join and that they do not have to be business majors to participate.
One of the most recent activities that the club is participating in is a trip to HAAS Business School and also an entrepreneurship event held in Oakland from Oct. 21 to 23, which the club was able to receive an 80 percent discount. During this time, contestants will create a company within the time of a weekend and compete with other teams.
“This weekend we will turn an idea into a company. These are the types of events I want for us to keep going to,” Serva said.
The club currently has a website, and has plans on using a different interface and creating a new domain. In addition to the webpage, it can also be found on Facebook and Instagram as LMC Business Club.
“I hope the club can establish a business environment for business-oriented students and professors so that we can better connect with one another,” Serva said.
The business club meets at Thursday’s on LMC’s Pittsburg campus from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in SC-222.
For more information on the club visit lmcbizclub.wixsite.com/mysite or contact Serva at [email protected].
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