Students may rent tables at no cost

Los Medanos College students can request a free table on the indoor or outdoor quad to raise funds or advertise for an on-campus club by following some simple steps.

The Student Life Office is in charge of table reservations and decides who will be able to procure a spot.
Sophia Soto, a student ambassador who works in the Student Life Office, said the first thing to do is, “come in here and check the calendar” to see if the date you want is available. “Then there is an application that you would fill out and turn into us.”

Student Life will only permit three groups per day to reserve a table in the quad, so it is essential for anyone looking to hold down a table for their club or organization to plan ahead for availability.

Every student-run club, along with off-campus organizations such as businesses, solicitors and non-profits, needs to complete an application from the Student Life Office and turn it in at least six weeks in advance to secure a table location.

But it is recommended that students who are looking to perform dance routines and skits — book a date with Student Life two months prior to the date and students looking to check out equipment, such as tables and chairs, should make arrangements three weeks before.

After the application has been submitted, Student Life Coordinator Demetria Lawrence will review the request, said Soto, and there is no fee for an on-campus club or organization.

Organizations that are not student affiliated can request a table as well. These organizations can include stands that sell things such as jewelry, gym memberships, and posters but may have to pay a $50 fee to Student Life.

However, organizations that simply solicit, such as passing out flyers or informative materials, are not required to pay a fee.

Irene Brown, a Jehovah Witness who comes twice a week to her organization’s reserved table, said it is a good way to assist students and provide information.

Student run clubs or solicitors can find further information by contacting the Student Life Office at (925) 473-7554 or by following the policies outlined on page 19 in “The Guide,” at