Accreditation process nearing completion
The Shared Governance Council met March 25 to discuss the accreditation.
April 8, 2020
Los Medanos College’s accreditation process, an assessment of the school’s educational programs to receive federal funding, is nearing completion.
The final draft of the Institutional Self Evaluation Report, a self-assessment of the college’s adherence to its educational standards, is expected to be ready for its first read by the Academic Senate Zoom meeting April 13, according to Accreditation Liaison Officer Chialin Hsieh, who works as the Senior Dean of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness and the Accreditation Liaison at LMC.
The report, which has been in development for the past two years, is on track to be approved by LMC President Bob Kratochvil in May, according to the current accreditation schedule, said Hsieh.
At that point, the report will be submitted to LMC’s accreditors, the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges for application for a reaffirmation of the school’s accreditation.
During the accreditation process, which takes place every five years, LMC’s educational programs are assessed to determine if changes need to be made to teaching and learning standards to improve student outcomes.
Accreditation exists not only to improve academic quality, institutional effectiveness, and ultimately, student success, but also to allow LMC to receive federal funding.
This federal funding allows students access to financial aid, makes certificates and degrees transferable to other schools and permits students to acquire a professional license in their field of work.
Despite the recent campus closure in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the accreditation process will continue as planned for now, said Hsieh.
Later this year, a team of inspectors chosen by the ACCJC is expected to visit the college to ensure consistency with the information stated in the report.
In light of the pandemic, however, the committee overseeing the accreditation process at LMC is in talks with its accreditors about the possibility of a virtual visit instead of an actual visit.
The accreditation report includes input and evidence from students, professors and faculty. Before the committee proposes its final draft to the Academic Senate, it must acquire the final pieces of evidence it needs for its report.