Construction on target
February 1, 2018
Students, administrators, coaches, athletics and inquiring minds anticipate the completion of the physical education and student union buildings. According to Vice President Kevin Horan, the two-pronged project is on target for an August 2019 completion date. Horan has been the glue holding this project together since its inception and is satisfied with the progress of the project.
But he says,“There have been a few unexpected problems due to unforeseen conditions. However, the team has adapted and developed appropriate responses.”
Russell Holt Facilities Manager is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the project, and its integration into the existing campus and has the responsibility of maintaining the safety of everyone at the college. Active construction is currently obstructed from view by coverings, primarily for the protection of students and faculty.
“I work with the contractors to schedule any shutdowns of vital services for a time when the shutdown will not interrupt normal operations of the campus, “said Holt.
Alex Porter, Vice President of Business and Administrative Services handles all concerns from faulty and students and communicates these concerns to construction managers. Some of these concerns are as simple as lighting and safe travel around the construction area.
The complex under construction by the gym incudes a new Physical Education facility that houses a general weights and cardio room, two classrooms, offices for PE and Athletics faculty and staff, locker rooms and showers, an equipment storage room, an athletic trainer room, and two new dance and fitness studios.
The Student Union, which will be located by the Math building in front of parking lot B, will serve both the college and community with accommodations that will facilitate groups and meetings. Student activities and some learning communities will be housed there.
For a more in depth look, visit The site allows curious onlookers to see the area of the construction allows for a bird’s eye view. No one is allowed in the area without prior permission, a hard hat or an official escort for safety and security reasons.
In addition to the new building construction, parts of the College Complex have recently received a facelift.
Redesigned classrooms on the second floor welcomed the spring semester students. The design team whose goal was to upgrade nine smart classrooms with the latest ecofriendly technology has finally come to fruition.
Many of the upgrades go unnoticed to the naked eye, like the mechanical aspects such as better air and lighting. Others are more noticeable: new carpentry, white boards and desks.
The ecofriendly classrooms generate the welcoming atmosphere administrators and design directors strived for.
Restrooms on the west side of the College Complex have also been remolded and are environmentally healthy and adhere federal specifications called for by the Americans with Disabilities Act. The restrooms on the east side of the College Complex are still under construction and will be re-opened once work is complete.
According to project superintendent Mike Gutierrez, the previous restrooms were not wide enough to conform to ADA regulations.
The second floor-remolding project is funded with money from the $127.5 million in bonds approved by taxpayers with the passage of Measures A and E to update facilities in the Contra Costa College District. The new PE and Student Union buildings is funded from Measures A and E, with a total expenditure of $61.8 million.