Print shop relocated

Older location a problem to staff

Instructional Assistant Jennifer Garcia fills out a request form at the new temporary location of the print shop.

Jazmine Gordon

Instructional Assistant Jennifer Garcia fills out a request form at the new temporary location of the print shop.

The Los Medanos College Print Shop has been moved temporarily from the first floor of the college complex building to the old Admissions and Records swing space on the third floor.

“Ventilation for the print shop is not up to standard” and the original structure installed during the initial building of the campus building had only one air system built in,” said Justin Nogarr, offset technician of central services, “We have a lot of machines now and once you get the machines running, they get very hot. One air ventilator is not enough to keep the area cooled down.”

The print shop has more than three printers running at the same time and sometimes even more, if the demand for print and copy jobs is high, he added.

“It got very hot and stuffy with toner flying all around in the air. Nobody wants to work under that type of condition,” said Private Branch Exchange Operator Lisa McFarland, who runs the college phone system.

 The LMC maintenance crew has attempted several times to fix the problem to no avail.

“The best decision for central service was to rebuild the air-ventilation system and add in two ventilators,” said Nogarr.

McFarland echoed Nogarr’s sentiments and said it needs to be repaired.

“I’m hoping they get it right this time,” she said.

According to Nogarr the renovation of the new system will take approximately two to three months. For now the new location for the print shop is on the third floor.

“The move from downstairs up to this swing space was a pretty intense move, but we did it pretty quick,” said Nogarr, adding that LMC hired a moving company to take apart the big copy machines and transfer them to their temporary location.

“Now that we are here in the old Admissions and Records building I am beginning to like it,” Nogarr joked. “I would like it if we could just stay here permanently.”