Irvin Trigueros
Clubs are an important part of college life because “they provide an opportunity to learn and develop leadership skills, team building, time management and event planning,” said Student Life Coordinator Ashley Adams. “Also, you gain lifelong friendships and obtain networking opportunities for future career goals.”
Likewise, Monte George, Inter Club Council Rep. for the RPG (Role Playing Games) Club said, “they allow students to identify with a group.”
Clubs help build self-esteem and assist with getting students more comfortable in this college environment, George added.
George has found that being a member of this club helps him pass the time between classes. It is also a great way to have fun.
“Clubs are really important because if they weren’t there then people would just go to class and go home,” said the Treasurer of Leadership Organization for Undocumented Dreamers, Rosa Osuna.
L.O.U.D. is “here to inform the community that there are AB540 students that need help,” and the club is helping anyway it can, Osuna said.
AB 540 is a way that some undocumented students can achieve a college education according to the California State Long Beach website.
Since Osuna has been a member of this club, she has met a lot of people she probably would have never talked to otherwise.
“It’s good to have a support group,” she said.
There is a complete list of clubs, both active and inactive, on the college website with contact information: http://www.losmedanos.edu/studentservices/clubs/list.asp. Adams recommended students interested in joining one of the clubs contact club representatives directly.
To start a club, complete a Club Charter Application Packet available in the Student Life Office located in the GA Building next to the Child Study Center.
Adams explained that in order to proceed with the application process you need to have at least “four officers with a 2.0 GPA and a faculty or staff advisor.” “Lastly, two officers must attend a Club Chartering Orientation with me,” she added.
After the applying club members have turned in the application packet and attended the orientation, the request takes about three weeks to be accepted or denied, Adams said.
For a club to be chartered, it must serve certain functions as stated in the guide in the following website: http://www.losmedanos.edu/studentservices/clubs/documents/TheCompleteGuide_2012_2013.pdf. Some of these functions include sponsoring events, broadening people’s view of life, and helping develop leadership qualities.
Meeting places for these clubs vary as there are many rooms available on campus, Adams said.
“We do have a facilities request process and clubs can contact me for questions about this,” said Adams, who can be reached at aadams@losmedanos.edu.
There are 29 inactive clubs according to the college website. Previously chartered clubs are considered inactive, but they can be re-chartered using the same process as a normal charter, said Adams.